Jacob Sobota logo
Jacob Sobota logo

Jacob Sobota

web developer

Hi, my name is Jacob Sobota and I invite you to familiarise yourself with my offer.
It is aimed at people looking for a programmer dealing with creating websites that are optimal in terms of SEO.

About Me

About Me

About Me

Jacob Sobota zdjęcie

Born in England in 1991, I’ve always been curious about technical innovations and gadgets. My adventure with computer science started a year after I’d got my first PC, when I started reinstalling Windows ME. Since then I’ve been systematically broadening my knowledge and increasing my passion for IT by tinkering with computer hardware and improving systems for myself, my relatives and friends. As a teenager I already knew what I wanted to do in my life. The choice of high school was obvious – I chose an IT class, thanks to which I significantly developed my skills in many IT areas and focused on the relevant branch of industry. As a computer science student I fully realised that it is worth programming and coding.




Freelance logo


Web DeveloperMarch 2015 - Ongoing

Between my job and my free time I carry out assignments for websites. I run a proprietorship, so that I am able to to issue VAT invoices for my services. I have completed many tasks that have brought me experience in the process of creating websites. There are several non-confidential works in the portfolio section.

Tylko logo


Frontend DeveloperFebruary 2021 - Ongoing

At the Tylko company I take care of the broadly understood front-end layer of a web application. The current tech stack is django, vue, nuxt and html / scss / js by default. A huge number of customers every day means that the website must be both optimal in terms of quality as well as speed.

Cointelligence logo


Web DeveloperAugust 2018 - January 2021

At Cointelligence I dealt with creating web solutions for the Cointelligence group. Wordpress as the base and a lot of emphasis put on SEO means that the front-end layer of the website must be worked out in detail in order to meet the needs of numerous users of the portal as well as Google robots. The work developed my skills mainly in SEO, PHP and JS (Vue.js) technologies.

LemonUnit logo


Web DeveloperAugust 2018 - January 2021

This was my additional work for a young and ambitious software house that isn't afraid of short deadlines and hard work. I completed several smaller and larger projects under the supervision of the CEO. Thanks to them I gained knowledge of, for example, creating native applications for mobile phones using Vue/React Native and applications for desktops using Electron.js.

G2A.COM logo


Frontend DeveloperJanuary 2018 - August 2018

Creating web applications such as G2A Loot or G2A Plus. Thanks to dynamic growth of the company, the number and complexity of tasks enabled me to broaden my knowledge of the process of creating both websites and applications. I also got to work with many experienced programmers, thanks to whom I managed to improve my programming and soft skills.

G2A.COM logo


SEO Specialist / Web DeveloperAugust 2016 - December 2017

I worked in the marketing department doing strictly technical work. I am the creator of the news.g2a.com website, where players from all over the globe can get the latest news about games. Additionally, I dealt with typical SEO activities that are needed to generate more revenue for the company.

Performance Media logo

Performance Media

Junior SEO SpecialistAugust 2015 - August 2016

One of the best marketing companies in the country, thanks to which I got to know advanced SEO techniques, opitimisation processes of websites and online stores. My job included a full range of SEO services - from detecting erros on websites and reporting them in documents presented to the company's clients, to creating content marketing strategies for clients.

LAVI sp. z o.o. logo

LAVI sp. z o.o.

IT SpecialistFebruary 2015 - April 2015

The LAVI company was the first company where I worked in my profession. It is a company that runs a large online store and an Allegro store. I was responsible for the creation and technical supervision of HTML templates that were shared on Allegro, as well as the company's migration to the SELLO program which significantly improved its office work.







Osajda Studio

Osajda Studio


The OsajdaStudio website was created using Wordpress CMS and Oxygen. The design of the website was prepared by the client, so the main task was to adapt it to the website. Thanks to the use of Oxygen the website is lightweight and its optimization was troublefree. A great, designer website.

Personal Smart Training

Personal Smart Training


The Personal Smart Training website was created for the client who sells EMS training suits. The website has a store with product variants and WPML translation. The website contains a lot of information, but at the same time it is quite neatly arranged for its highest readability.

The CryptoAnalyst

The CryptoAnalyst

Vue.js / Nuxt.js

The website is under construction, it is being created for a cryptocurrency enthusiast.




The website of the Turkish company dealing with the organisation of the biggest events from the life of cryptocurrancies. Hundreds of followers and dynamically changing needs made me build the website with Divi. Thanks to that the client can change the website elements on an ongoing basis.




The website of the Turkish company dealing with the organisation of the biggest events from the life of cryptocurrancies. Hundreds of followers and dynamically changing needs made me build the website with Divi. Thanks to that the client can change the website elements on an ongoing basis.




The website of the Turkish company dealing with the organisation of the biggest events from the life of cryptocurrancies. Hundreds of followers and dynamically changing needs made me build the website with Divi. Thanks to that the client can change the website elements on an ongoing basis.




An online store created using Wordpress and Woocommerce. Payment integrations, full optimisation and modification of the entire woocommerce front, so that it fits in perfectly with the graphic concept that I received from the client.



Vue.js / Nuxt.js

The website made for the NFT company which created and develops a game based on cryptocurrency and NFT. A great graphic concept, translation using CSS tailwind and Nuxt.js in order to make the website fast and responsive.



Vue.js / Nuxt.js

The front-end of an online marketplace that brings together many sellers. Back-end built with Laravel, while Front-end created using Nuxt.js and connected to the store database via Rest API. The website was challenging because of the number of users, but it was a lot of fun creating it.




The website of the marketing company, created using Oxygen and Wordpress.

SP Trepcza

SP Trepcza


The website of the primary school. It was prepared for a computer scientist in the school, made so that it could be easily managed, but at the same time flexible so that making any adjustments wouldn't require any programming knowledge.



Wordpress / Vue.js / Nuxt.js

The website created for the Israeli cryptocurrency company. The database first placed on Wordpress, then sent to the Nuxt.js front using the REST API. Wordpress ceased to be optimal with the huge increase in the number of users, and was in the end replaced by Laravel tailored to the requirements.



Vue.js / Nuxt.js

The Front-end of the website connected to Lavarel on Backend. The website is very designer, a lot of animations, scrolling and forms to fill in the data needed to power the AI engine.




The DealBook website was created using Wordpress CMS and Divi template. The design of the webiste was sent to me by the client, so my main task was to recreate it. The website is very large in terms of multimedia, so I had to go through a number of optimisation processes in order to make it work better.

Olejki dōTERRA

Olejki dōTERRA


The Olejki dōTERRA website was created using Wordpress CMS and Divi template. The website was built at an express pace in order to adapt to the dynamically emerging market of essential oils as quickly as possible.




The HitSanok website was created using Wordpress CMS and NaturalLife template (chosen by the client). The website has been refreshed and slimmed down. The biggest challenge was to make it integral with the previous version which contained a number of products and fixed links which could not be changed.




The GrowMen website was created using Wordpress CMS and Divi template. The design of the website was invented in cooperation with the client. The website contains an extensive form that is its heart.




The CryptoVoucher website was made using Nuxt.js. My part of the job was to create HTML and CSS versions of the website which were then implemented into the Nuxt.js framework by a programmer from CryptoVoucher. The website was designed by the client.




The PatiGarg website was created using Wordpress CMS and Divi template. I didn't create the whole website. Occasionally, I get to administer and improve it, also fix bugs which require technical knowledge. Moreover, I optimised the website in order to make it work faster.

Agroturystyka Dyle

Agroturystyka Dyle


The Agroturystyka Dyle website was made using Wordpress CMS and Divi template. The design of the website was invented on an ongoing basis during cooperation with the client. No major scripts to be made, business card website.

Heka Windows

Heka Windows


The Heka Windows website was created using Wordpress CMS and Divi template. It is the website created basing on the client's graphic design. No major scripts to be made, business card website.




The LemonUnit was created using Wordpress CMS and Divi template. The website initially contained a number of animations which had to be implemented and taken care of in terms of their correct display in every resolution. There are several PHP and JS scripts on the website that are needed to present a lemon slider or company employees.

Eveline's Therapy

Eveline's Therapy


The Eveline's Therapy website was created using Wordpress CMS and Divi template, which enables the website owner to make modifications. The project was prepared in both the desktop and mobile versions. In terms of easthetics the website was designed specifically to suit the taste of the consumers of the salon.

Minnie Kryminalistka

Minnie Kryminalistka


The Minnie Kryminalistka website was created using Wordpress CMS. The website focuses mainly on the proper optimisation of both speed and SEO. SEO optimization was performed on the basis of an external audit. PWA version has been added to the website.




Jak wybrać agencję interaktywną do wykonania strony internetowej?

Jak wybrać agencję interaktywną do wykonania strony internetowej?

W dzisiejszych czasach prowadząc biznes stacjonarnie ciężko budować relacje z Klientami oraz wizerunek bez nowoczesnej strony internetowej, która odpowiada na pytania Klientów i realizuje cele firmy.

Dlaczego Nuxt.js?

Dlaczego Nuxt.js?

Dlaczego zdecydowałem się na pracę we frameworku nuxt.js, a nie np. react lub czystym vue? Na te pytanie postaram się odpowiedzieć w poniższym artkule.

Kodowanie HTML

Kodowanie HTML

Poniższy wpis „kodowanie html” dedykuję wszystkim początkującym koderom HTML, jak również osobom chcącym nauczyć się HTML od podstaw. Artykuł został napisany w formie poradnika i szczegółowo przeprowadzi Was przez proces kodowania html strony www.

Nowoczesne strony www

Nowoczesne strony www

Świat IT i technologii pędzi do przodu, wyrzucając od czasu do czasu bardzo ciekawe rozwiązania w aspekcie tworzenia stron www. Poniższy artykuł opowie trochę o aktualnie panującym trendzie.

Tworzenie stron w WordPress.com

Tworzenie stron w WordPress.com

Tworzenie stron www jest niewątpliwie czasochłonnym zadaniem. Im bardziej zaawansowane funkcjonalności planujemy wdrożyć, tym więcej czasu będziemy musieli poświęcić na dopracowaniu wszystkich szczegółów.

Kodowanie CSS

Kodowanie CSS

Kontynuujemy kurs „kodowanie html” w miejscu, w którym go zakończyliśmy, (jeśli jesteś nowy lub nie pamiętasz już gdzie skończyliśmy zapraszam do wpisu: kodowanie html). Wpis będzie zawierał informacje głównie o stylowaniu CSS witryny, zgodnie z założonym schematem.

Edytory html

Edytory html

Wybór edytora HTML spośród setek darmowych, jak i płatnych edytorów jest bardzo trudny. Czym się kierować przy wyborze? Edytor online czy offline? Który z nich jest najlepszy i spełnia wszystkie potrzebne wymagania? W tym artykule postaram się odpowiedzieć na najbardziej nurtujące pytania odnośnie doboru narzędzia służącego do pisania stron www

Ile kosztuje strona www

Ile kosztuje strona www

Wpisujesz w Google frazę „ile kosztuje strona www„, a może „koszt strony www„, dostajesz setki stron i nie wiesz, którą ofertę wybrać? W takim razie serdecznie zapraszam do skorzystania z moich usług. Znam się dobrze na swojej pracy i sumiennie wykonuje każdy powierzone mi projekty.






  • one-page website
  • from 1 up to 3 subpages
  • wordpress cms
  • free hosting
  • SSL certificate
  • Divi layout
  • basic optimisation

Lead time: about 1 week, depending on the graphic design.



  • multi-page website
  • from 4 up to 10 subpages
  • wordpress cms
  • free hosting
  • Divi or Oxygen layout
  • advanced optimisation
  • website updates

Lead time: about 1-2 weeks, depending on the graphic design.



  • unlimited number of subpages
  • wordpress cms
  • free hosting
  • Oxygen layout
  • full optimisation
  • website updates
  • securing the website

Lead time: about 3 weeks, depending on the graphic design.

Attention! The price list applies to websites built with Wordpress CMS. The prices included are indicative.
In order to determine the details and the final price, please contact me.




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